• Twenty-Four-Omniscient-Legs quickly noted: "We need yet another general, Your Majesty.

     I recommend Captain Thick-Fluffy."
    Myrmidone rose and started walking along the windows. She was ready to accept the Generalls suggestion, when she noticed a young caterpillar fellow who threw his spear directly to the head of a poppy flower through the crowns of a few apple trees. Myrmidone was so stunned, that her eyes popped out. With difficulty, she uttered: "Bring that fellow over. What's his name?"
    "That's the spear-thrower Hop-on-Flower," she was told.
    Hop-on-Flower entered the hall and bowed respectfully, his face showing goodwill and readiness. Myrmidone looked at him, and then said decisively: "He will be the forth general".

    "What will be his name?" the generals inquired, worried.
    Hop-on-Flower sat on the third vacant chair by the Queen and said:
    "Please donlt bother with my name.  What we have to do now is to divide the army into four units, and each of us will lead one."
    This was the moment the three generals were waiting for. They could c’ear their ranks and select the weakest and most stupid soldier-caterpillars as the troops of the new general."Hmmm", said Hop-on-Flower looking at the soldiers that were smiling from ear to ear. "Stand in formation!"
    The soldiers gathered around him, stepping on each other's feet.
      According to the new plan, each of the four units was to build a fortress made of mounds of soil in four strategic points that were also approved by Myrmidone.

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