• Riddles


    Itls panting, chasing, s’iding on the rails,
    On its back whomever and whatever carries.
    Only in the station for two minutes it stops.
    Come, say what it is, then youlre free to cross!


    (the train)

    The sun washed its colored c’othes yesterday,
    And hanged them out to dry on a sky ray.
    See the waving jeans, the T-shirts and socks.
    In a nice … under the white c’ouds.


     Four legs and a curved back.
    The children sit on it to chat.
    It doesnlt walk, nor grows but creaks
    Tell me, what might it be?

    (the chair)

    Itls a mouse whose mouth is opened up.
    I stick the pencil in and it gnaws it at once.
    I take it out sharp and ready to write.
    Do you know what it is or only do I?

    (the sharpener)



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