About Tuș
The Ink Magazine was born from the authorsl pleasure to write, the drawersl pleasure to draw, Reea Companyls pleasure to carry out the sweetest project that has ever been carried out by them: a magazine for children and for those that want to become children again, a magazine that seeks to delight its little visitors, to fascinate them, to surprise them and draw them into its waves of black or colored ink, or, in short, to make them take an inky shower…
I think I should write something more serious…but serious means lack of fun, sobriety, whereas here, on the sigle drawn by Liviu, it says Frolic Ink … … but letls get serious, Ink Magazine was started in order to offer some talented people from such a special as like Tg. Mureș the possibility to show what they can do. In the same time, the team is working in partnership with translators, writers and drawers initially from Mureș county, now living in Germany, Hungary and other countries. It is a community project, its purpose being the promoting of children literature by engaging those who want to or know how to write for children. Professional writers or amateurs are invited to send their creations to Ink Magazine which is in search for texts as original and as interesting as possible. The magazine is being translated into Hungarian, German, French and English, due to the multicultural community in Tg. Mureș as well as so for readers abroad who can thus read it and criticize it. The children are invited to write within a contest with awards and their creations are published on the website.
The website contains stories, poems, comics, games and video c’ips because welre in the area of… Web 2.0. and it will contain of course interactive drawing. The stories and the poems can be found under three formats, illustrated text, audio stories and animated stories, according to how they can be brought about over time.
Content wise therels a an interrelation in that a few characters reoccur in different contexts… some authors have grown so fond of their characters that they couldnlt just drop them at the end of the story, so they offered the little readers the pleasure of founding them again and making connections.
After welve groped our way a lot, that is after prolonged efforts… which is not the best way either, anyway… somehow we found a direction which we agreed upon to take: some patterns of short texts, surprising and fresh as Idly, Globe or The paper airplane.
(The sigle alone gave Liviu a lot of trouble; first we told him to remove the ink spot but after he removed it we noticed it was missing… because when Liviu comes up with something it has to stay as moulded in the beginning.)
As a theme, we opted for a healthy fantasticalness, given the points Liviu made: “I am convinced that the fantasticalness is the best direction for a developing child, because it shows him the world in optimistic colors, it stimulates his imagination and underlines the eternal victory of good against evil. I for one grew up on this and Ilve stayed positive and optimistic in spite of everything that Ilve seen around me. In other words, letls make their life better… this is how I would see this project.”
We started with the poem called Ink. Hence, the name of the magazine. Ink means penholder and nib, penmanship, a spot of color, drawing.
In the poem Ink, after a few additions, the stag beetle displays a thirst for knowledge, it wants to know how many miles away is sun; the ink is good for playing but also for writing, the tree beetle looks for new meanings within the ink, because… ever since the world began, the objects seem to express more than their signs, hence the obsession with the meaning hidden behind things, hence the temptation to search. And when does man stop searching? What are the limits?
Until the search and life itself become one and the same adventure.
I donlt feel like ending on this philosophical note, so I invite the readers to enter the website www.reea.net to get to know the ones that are behind this project and whose names do not appear in the magazine, the team who also renders valuable this heart-felt project: The Ink Magazine. I donlt want to forget the people from Târgu-Mureș radio, who placed at our disposal the mp3 files of some stories written by the playwright Alina Nelega and acted by the actors from the theatres of Târgu-Mureș.
And now, what shall I write to conclude? The Ink action will be repeated because welll have a studio that will help us develop more projects with children, for the children and with those who love children.