When she arrived at the gate, she searched the huge iron key for a long time through the pockets of her large skirt, then opened the gate and welcomed them in the courtyard which was paved with…
So they strayed like this a couple of days, and no one helped them ; but they didnlt even think about their hunger, or s’eepiness, all they thought about was seeing their mother again. The…
Some streets were anfractuous and wide, so that carriages can go through, while others were so narrow that the peasants could shake hands from their own windows. Here and there, the streets led to…
The kids left the town and walked through the field towards the sun rise, guiding after the wild blue-bells of a dark blue, for two days and two nights without stopping. Then, they started c’imbing…
- "My child, I have to tell you that this will not make you as happy as you think it will.” The boy puckered up and quickly said:
- "It doesnlt matter, I beg you!” The painter…
The children agreed and the second day they started working for the painter.
But even thought they liked painting and tried their best, they could not match the different colors of blue or yellow,…
In a village, nearby a big city, lived two children, a little boy who not long ago started school, and his older sister. They only had their mother, but once day she unexpectedly died, and the two…
The called her and searched for her everywhere, but couldnlt find any trace of their mother. Their meeting came to an end. The castle began to shake and collapse and the two kids ran holding their…
-''Oh God, in a little while the masters will be back home and will catch us, and we are going to be in so much trouble!'' Then, desperate and frightened, the cat started pulling the dogls…
Spotted was so happy that he didnlt waste any moment thinking. As soon as the owners left, came running to the catls door. The cat was speaking from behind the door:
- "Oh,…