•  Purr, Purr

    A poem by Mediana Stan, illustrated by Liviu Boar, translated by Rafael Manory


    What a cat, how can she dare?
    Jumps on my very own chair
    In a haste, if she didn't withdraw
    I might sit on her, hurt her paw.

    Go down, you, impudent, flippant
    I shouted at her and she bit my hand. 
    I grabbed her by the scruff to throw
    Outdoors, in the thick layer of snow.

    But she raised her head up, mild
    So repressed, so no more wild,
    With enlarged, velvet eyeballs
    I loosed my grip and let her fall. 

    Purrr, purr, I am cold enough
    From your biscuit I want a half 
    But soften it generously in milk, please
    And cuddle me a lot on my back, at ease.

    The snow lays like threads of lace 
    The sulky one sits gazing on a case
    I get up, go to fan the flame 
    I get back, she's in my seat, staking her c’aim!


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