There he mirrored himself in the colorful shop windows and decided to go back home. But a little girl with a funny blue hat said:
“Look there, a parrot!”
And Bobo answered the only way he knew:
“What are you looking for in here little one?”
“And what is your name?”
On hearing him the people started laughing and gathered around the plastic palm tree. And from the plastic leaves Perdols head appeared. You remember him, donlt you? the puss that followed Bobo. Frightened the parrot started c’imbing higher and higher on the palm tree, Pedro following him. While c’imbing he was shouting his three words: cucumbers! Nonsense! boo-hoo-hoo! And the people laughed as they all believed it wasnlt but a game. But you kids can realize that Bobo was in great danger – although he was still hoping to be rescued by the television of the fire brigade, as great starts usually are, when they find themselves in such danger!
This was not the case though. As Bobo was getting higher and higher Pedro was approaching even more menacing, licking his lips. And the people downstairs were laughing and discussing. Only the little girl stretched her hand and told him:

"Fly, little one, fly!"
Sometimes we all need an urge, an advice, or simply someone to believe in us, although we have never before done the thing we are expected to do and we donlt even know whether we can do it. Just like Bobo. He had no idea that he could fly. But on hearing the little girlls confident voice, he said to himself that he was going to give it a try, he jumped towards her, moved his wings several times and then floated in the air, stopping on her shoulder, to the delight of everyone present.