• Pytho becomes invisible

    The forest became more and more enticing as it was covering the hills with its compact foliage with red and yellow spots. I was delving in the garden with my grandpal when he stopped working, stared at the forest for a long time and then said “Common!” I threw my spade far away, I put on my boots and a sweater and I was ready. Thatls all Pytho the Black was awaiting for. We left the village and c’imbed the hill towards the woods. Pytho was running ahead of us, barking, ears fluttering, going away for a while and then returning to us. Once we arrived in the forest, grandpal started picking up yellow mushrooms and morels. One big mushroom, lively coloured got my attention.

    -Look there, grandpal, look there, what a beautiful mushroom! It was big, with a pink hat and its foot was yellow towards red.

    -Yes, itls beautiful, said grandpal, it is called the gypsyls morel, but itls not eatable. I walked towards the mushroom to take a c’oser look but Pytho ran ahead of me, smelled it and by the time I could stop him, he had already eaten it. Then, right under my bewildered eyes, he vanished. Grandpal was picking up mushrooms and was talking out loud so I could hear him: the eatable mushrooms smell nice, whereas the poisonous ones… grandpal bent over and gasped while grabbing a mushroom… have a bad smell.

    -Grandpal, I yelled, Pytho has vanished!

    -How so, said grandpal getting up, perhaps he swallowed the mushroom!

    -Yes, he ate it!

    -Thatls ok, helll be fine by tomorrow!

    -You think so?

    -Normally, he should be... he said. I called out for Pytho and I felt him by my leg. I bent over and I my hands were filled with his long ears.

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